Contribute to PDFStitcher
As a primarily one-person open source project, I am always looking for help improving PDFStitcher. There are a number of ways you can contribute:
PDFStitcher has been translated into French, German, Spanish, and Dutch. Help make it more accessible by contributing a translation! Translation is done using gettext, and you can learn more about how to edit translation files here.
Bug reports
Do you have an idea for a new feature, or have you found a bug? Let me know by submitting a bug report to the issue tracker.
This website, like the software, is in the early stages of development and could be improved with your help! Would you like to expand on the documentation? Are you a graphics designer who has a better logo idea? This website is also open source.
If you’d like to tackle an issue yourself or add a new feature, feel free to checkout the code from github and submit a pull request. If you’re new to working with GitHub, you can read more about pull requests here.
I am no longer accepting PayPal donations, as PDFStitcher has become part of my scholarship work. However, if you’d really like to support some open source software that helps the sewing community, consider donating to following:
- The Python Software Foundation is the programming language for PDFStitcher
- James Barlow is the maintainer of pikepdf, the Python wrapper on QPDF that makes all of this possible
- Inkscape - nothing to do with PDFStitcher, but a great vector graphics editor
I can’t find donation links for the following, but I also depend on:
- The aforementioned qpdf
- wxpython - the graphical toolkit that makes PDFStitcher more user friendly than a command line!
- pyinstaller - the tool that converts Python scripts into an executable